Thursday, December 1, 2022

Forward Hope!


December 2022 Blog

Preparations: A Haiku

Getting ready for

Another year, hopefully

Better than the last.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



Actually looking forward to a year better than the last three years. Well, one can only hope.

Had a great NaNoWriMo month, so that helps in the hope department for next year. Writing always makes me feel better.

Okay, I haven’t done real well in the publishing department this year. I did much better writing and editing. That means publishing should be a breeze this next year. That’s one of my big hopes.

Also hoping for an end to pandemics and wars. But that may be too much to actually look forward to. Then there’s the outside hope for an end to gun violence and mass shootings. I realize that may be just beyond the reach of hope.

I plan on spending a lot of time this coming year all by myself in my own little worlds of my own design. I should be most happy there.

I may have to take some time off to have cataract surgery. I’ll find that out in January. I understand that is a relatively routine procedure now – not at all like I remember people having in the 80’s. It was not an easy thing then. But I’m still not looking forward to it. I’m not fond of anything that takes me away from my first love – writing.

And I’d better get to that writing. My characters are even starting to invade my dreams. And their worlds right now are more preferable to mine. Except maybe the Castleweaver, Eldreth, who appears more in nightmares than in pleasant dreams, but then that is his wont. Maybe he will win out. I could use the chance to get some horror off my mind. Eldreth is a great way to vent.

Detective Sam Rock is standing here with his arms folded. Okay, I’ve got to get his sequel out so I can write the third one in the series and explain how he got kicked off the force in the first place. He swears it was not his fault. I believe him.

So, I have a lot to look forward to. It’s onward and upward. Next month will bring the New Year. Hope we can all ring it in with cheers and happy bell ringing.

In the meantime, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. There may be something there you have yet to enjoy.

Until next month, read and write to your heart’s content. It certainly makes my heart feel better.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter (yes, I still Tweet) and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements. They will be forthcoming:

It’s now December, the last month of the year. Thirty more days and 2022 is gone. See you next year.






Tuesday, November 1, 2022

NaNoWriMo Ho! Again


November 2022 Blog

NaNoWriMo Ho! A Haiku

“Don’t start nuthin’, won’t

Be nuthin’” has new meaning.

I better start now.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



Now would be good. A lot has happened in the last year. Not a lot of it has been literary. But, I have this year’s NaNoWriMo to look forward to. And it’s gonna be swingin’.

When all else fails, I can count on “National Novel Writing Month” to get my fingers and my pens moving.

This year I won’t even think about my up-coming birthday except as the goal for finishing this year’s 50,000 words on the 28th no matter what they may be.

Okay, I will think about my birthday and perhaps wonder how many more NaNoWriMo’s I’m going to be able to do. And I swear, I will do them until I can’t anymore.

Actually, it’s very comforting knowing I can look forward to this every year. I also look forward to being able to encourage younger writers just starting out on their literary ventures. And that’s a lot of writers, since most all of them are younger than I am. (lol)

I’m so not going to wax eloquently on the state of the world this month. I need to shut that out as much as I can. That’s a relief, too. For I would be angry at the world as bitter as it has become, if I let myself dwell on it. I would rather dwell on telling a story wrapped up in a world that does not exist – one that I have total control over.

Okay, smiling now!

I’m actually going to cut this blog short this month so I can jump into NaNoWriMo with both feet. I’ll fill the space with pictures of some of my covers for your enjoyment. I’m proud of every one of them.

Please wish me luck with this month’s endeavor. I’ll let you know next month how everything came out.

If you write, you’re welcome to come join me on a whirlwind of flowing thoughts and words.

If you care to check out some horrific stuff, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. There may be something there to terrorize you.

Until next month, read and write to your heart’s content. For us NaNoWriMo’s that’s 50,000 words and counting.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements. They will be forthcoming:

It’s now November. Only two months left in the year. Where did it go? I have no idea.

My NaNo RhiMo!






Saturday, October 1, 2022



October 2022 Blog

Transition: A Haiku

“That I am” need not

Be. if I change the story

That I tell myself.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



To paraphrase Anderson Cooper on Stephen Colbert’s late night show: “You can change the story that you tell yourself”. Thank you, Mr. Cooper. Rearranging my story now.

“That I am” has not served me well lately. Need to rethink where I’m headed and head in a different direction. The last two years have just been devastating to so many of us in so many ways. I no longer feel the need to even list all that’s driven us to virtual distraction. Let’s just say our lives have been rearranged for us whether we wanted it or not. Time has come to take back what we can – to take control of those things dangling within our reach and set out again on our own path, believing that we can make our story go the way we want it to go.

Reminds me of what we authors do. We control our novels and their characters. We forge the story to go the way we want it to. Sure, sometimes they grab the reins and force their stories elsewhere...

But wait! Isn’t that what we must do with our own lives now?

Mine, anyway, needs an overhaul. I need better organization and better follow-through – starting with “a place for everything and everything in its place”. That way, when I get around to tackling a project, I’ll have everything I need right where I need it and won’t have to spend valuable time searching for stuff – a definite waste of time.

Starting and stopping projects hasn’t served me well either. Taking too long to restart the project means I often have to “reinvent the wheel” and backtrack before I can move forward – another time waster.

I probably should limit my computer time also. I have a tendency to get caught up in Twitter and solitaire and jigsaw puzzles. It’s amazing how time flies when you’re hyper-focused on those things.

I consider Twitter my window on the world right now, so I probably won’t cut back much on that. However, the solitaire and jigsaws may demand some kind of time limit. I should start setting my timer for fifteen minutes or so, so I don’t find myself glued to the chair an hour later, having spent time that could have been better spent sparring with my characters and recording their stories for posterity.

What a great idea! I can rearrange my story in order to tell their stories! That’s the spirit! Pumping myself up now. I’ve spent way too much time being down in the dumps. I’m smiling a little bit now. Thank you again, Anderson Cooper for your enlightening take on chaning our own stories and living our lives as we want them to be.

What an amazing concept! Building enthusiasm now – and energy. Hope it lasts longer than most of my bright ideas. But then it wasn’t my idea, was it? It was Anderson Cooper’s.

If I can make it work, I’ll be releasing my Sam Rock sequel in time for Christmas, along with Steve Hamm’s brilliant audio version of my paranormal western, “Black Oak: Town of Joy”.

In the meantime, I’m jumping back on the “Fly Lady” band wagon this month to get rid of my paper clutter. Really need to cut down on the boxes and boxes of paper stuff I’ve always thought I needed to keep. Less stuff means other stuff is less likely to get lost and force more downtime searching for stuff. Love that word “stuff”! It’s so much better than the word it replaces: “sh*t”, you know.

Well all of this will start tomorrow. Tonight starts the “Svegoolie” month of horror. Gonna love every minute of it! Oh, and then there’s the season premeire of SNL – Gonna love that, too.

If you care to check out some more horrific stuff, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. There may be something there to terrorize you.

Until next month, read and write to your heart’s content and see if you need to alter your own story. There will never be a better time.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements. They will be forthcoming:

It’s now October and the world is cooling off. Unfortunately, its weather is most unruly. Praying for all those affected by the storms. May be a good time to check out: “Global Warning: Climate in Crisis” available from Amazon:




Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Write Life!


September 2022 Blog

Be Prepared: A Haiku

Words not written can

Oft’ not be remembered, thus

I keep pen at hand.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



I always try to keep pen and paper handy. Sometimes I fail and the words are lost. In my mind, those lost words were really brilliant, and their loss a loss for all of posterity.

Okay, maybe that last part is pretty far-fetched, but you get the idea. As most writers usually do, I get ideas at the oddest moments – not just when I’m sitting down to write. I try to be prepared at all times.

I have a steno pad turned to a clean page with a pen insered in the spiral witin arm’[s reach of the bed. I used to joy down my notes in the dark of night, but I’ve recently added a tiny flashlight so I can read wheat I’ve written the next morning. Otherwise, it’s jibberish.

I also keep a small spiral notebook the my pocket along with a pen. They really come in handy at those odd moments I’m out and about and an idea strikes. I’ve even gone so far as to jot down an inspiration while sitting on the commode.

When I drove a lot, I used to have a cassette recorder handy to record those fleeting moments of brilliance. Now I don’t drive much or far and cassette recorders are fairly passé.

But the idea stands: Think it, Write it, or lose it. It is also important for those of us who write poetry. One may think of the perfect phraseology for a piece of brilliant poetry, but it can slip away before the ink can strike the page.

Although the main idea may persist, the perfect way to put it may be lost.

It also helps to jot down story ideas, plot points and even a tidbit one of your characters may share with you in those odd moments you are mulling over your story in your head.

I once had one of my main female protagonists tell me she had a younger sister and her name was Petra. The novel tool a whole new turn and richness. Thank goodness I captured that thought (though having a sister is kind of hard to forget).

It’s taken a while, but I guess I’m falling in love with the art of writing all over again (after a long dry spell). I’, beginning to picture scenes and people to populate the worlds my mind dreams up once more. My mind is filling with scenarios involving those people and places – beautiful. Stunning scenarios and (because I’m a horror writer) glorious blood and gore and...

Okay, I’m on a roo. Time to gather my notes and start writing again.

First come the ideas, then the words, then the sentences, the paragraphs, the chapters, the novels, and the series.

Smiling now!

So the take away from this month’s ramblings should be this: keep something to write with and something to write on handy. You will thank yourself (and maybe me) when that gem comes to you, and you capture it. Then you can polish it and share it for posterity.

If you care to see what I am sharing with posterity, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. There may be something to inspire you.

Until next month, read and write to your heart’s content and jot down those random thought. You never where they may land you.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements:

You may also find some inspiration in my Haiku Collection Celebrating the #WritingCommunity: “Life’s Lemons and Lemonade: A Collection of Haiku, Volume Two: The Write Life”, available, of course, from Amazon at:

It’s now September and the world is thoroughly heated up. The A/C is still working way too hard. A little more rain recently brought us some relief from the drought. Still a good time to check out: “Global Warning: Climate in Crisis” available from Amazon:




Monday, August 1, 2022



August 2022 Blog

Contemplation: A Haiku

To write or write not –

Seems more than my navel needs

Attention these days.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



That is the question. Searching for an answer this month.

I find I cannot continue as I am – always promising myself to sit down and write the stories, the novels, this blog. I am only consistent with the Haiku I write daily, and that is probably because it’s become such an ingrained habit.

All else is up for contemplation.

I find very little inspiration in life these days for continuing my writing. Even though the act of writing does offer me those few moments of joy in life I so desperately need, I sometimes wonder if I can continue.

I do have a decent backlist  of books to my credit, and I would certainly like more, but I will never match the well over 100 historical romance novels my good friend, neighbor and landlady has produced.

She cranks out a new one every month or so. I would find that exhausting. But even more exhausting is mentally beating myself up because I have not written, because I can’t seem to carve out the time for writing.

Sometimes I wonder how I ever did. I wrote most of my novels while still working a full time job – mostly writing in the evening propped up in bed for an hour or two.

Now, I don’t work , I have all the time in the world and I just can’t seem to find that time.

Or am I just the world’s best (or worst) procrastinator? I guess I’m the best, because I’m so good at it.

So, do I overcome, or do I succumb to this latest version of writer’s block?

If I succumb, I don’t have to ever worry about missing a deadline again. But, by the same token, I will never know the joy of hearing someone say they enjoyed my work again, or it made them feel better for a little while, or even that they agree with me and I made a slight difference somewhere.

I I can overcome, I will have satisfaction in knowing that I’ve still got it – the drive and the talent.

Hopefully, I can sort it out this month. I guess it boils down to this: If I post a blog next month, I overcame. If I don’t – I succumbed. I’m actually leaning toward overcoming, but we’ll see.

In the meantime, I’ll get my manuscripts todgether and look at what I have already written. Maybe that will inspire me to continue. Or one of my characters may whisper in my ear and get me going again. That has happened before, too.

Hopefully, I can gather my wits about me and continue. Life would be boring without the murder and mayhem my characters can get me caught up in.

While we’re all waiting to see which way the cookie crumbles, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. There may be something there you have yet to read.

Until next month, read and write to your heart’s content. Enjoy what respite you can find in your lives.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements:

It’s now August and the world is heating up. The A/C is working way too hard. Not much rain recently to bring us any relief from the drought. May be a good time to check out: “Global Warning: Climate in Crisis” available from Amazon: