Monday, November 1, 2021

With Some Urgency!

 November 2021 Blog

Point of Reference: A Haiku

I have only the

Rest of my life to do what

I want to get done.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky


Not that I have anything ominous hanging over my head, I just have another birthday coming up. They seem to be piling up ever more quickly. I’m grateful that they still are, yet wary of their cumulative effect.

In honor of my upcoming birthday and in light of the fact that November is NaNoWriMo month, I will finish my Sam Rock sequel and publish forthwith. There will be some unexpected twists and turns and a lead in to the third and final book in the series.

I’ve done NaNoWriMo for so many years, I’ve lost count. It’s always a good time to start or end a project. For one full month, I can concentrate on little but writing  and not feel guilty about it. Kind of like a busman’s holiday. (Now, that’s an old reference.)

My #NaNoWriMo Mascot "Rhimo":

Not sure what next year will bring, but I just got my Pfizer booster, (got my flu and pneumonia shots last month) so I should be relatively safe from the bugs out there. Hopefully, I can concentrate the whole next year on my writing.  Many more sequels, prequels, and chapbooks to come.

Also thinking about downsizing in the possessions department. I have so much stuff I’ll never use again and certainly wouldn’t move if I ever did that again. Also, I have stuff that’s not worth passing on. So, I’ll be sorting into three piles: Keep, Toss, and Give Away. Hope the last two are way bigger than the first.

As 2021 winds down, I’d love to announce that the pandemic is winding down with it. I guess it is, but I thought we’d be beyond masks and distancing by now. I guess we’re not.

So many things I’m sure will not go back to the way they were. And that’s not all to the good. Don’t know when, if ever, the Supply Chain problem will be solved. I’ve heard also that it’s going to be a cold winter with heating fuels being scarce and expensive.  Guess I’d best stock up on woolies – they will probably become scarce as well.

Wish I could turn the world off and and sit in my garrett (or backyard) and write, bit I do have to deal with the real world occasionally. Maybe I can make it a little less often – although with all the lockdowns and shutdowns, I have been pretty isolated. I should have been able to write a “War and Peace” length novel by now.

I guess it’s a matter of concentration. It’s hard to concentrate on anything these days, and more and more things are flinging about ready, willing and able to distract me.

Too bad I’m not enjoying them all. The one thing that does bring me joy is writing. So, I’m going to check my supply of pens and paper and get at it.

I wish you all a happy holiday season, starting now. Of course, we must be safe and careful, and wary of things we seldom had to worry about about before. But we must surely find some joy in what we do. Or what’s the point?

Okay, so not going down that rabbit hole. Going to  poise my pens for better things.

See you all on the other side of Thanksgiving and before Christmas. Whether you read or write, please enjoy it.

Until next time, read and write to your heart’s content. My eclectic collection of reading matter may take your mind off things. Enjoy.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements:

Hopefully, this month we can enjoy our Thanksgiving and next month will find us looking forward to a Joyous Noel to be followed by the happiest of New Years.