Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What A Difference A Month Makes

April 2020 Blog
Got a head start on this month’s edition. Who knows what will befall us in even the next few days?

Wipeout: A Haiku
Life but laughs at lines
Drawn in sand; obliterates
Them at will or whim.
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky

Wow! All of a sudden last month’s goals don’t seem to matter much anymore. The world has been set on its ear and the “Climate Crisis” set on the back burner for who knows how long. So my “Diary of a #Madwoman on #Deadline has bit the dust, so to speak. At least its launch will not be the “earth-shaking event” I planned it to be.
Don’t get me wrong, it will still be published, if not on time, then close to it. But it will not be heralded as the “balm that salved the Universe.”.
For, at the moment, we have a more immediate problem – how to survive the “plague of the century” both physically and economically. And that with or without appropriate leadership.
COVID19 (to be politically correct) has taken over our lives, literally. We think of nothing else. And now, when we need each other’s support like no other time, we are told to stay away from one another. Not to hold, not to touch, not to be even within six feet of one another. The average person can do little more than obey the directives and hope the powers-that-be can get this pandemic under control.
So far, that hope is tentative at best. Few world leaders have shown marked ability to get a decent handle on the situation. And the problem and its dire consequences continue to escalate.
Day-after-day, the numbers go up and up. We hold our collective breath that it doesn’t come too close, but it does. First cases in the state, first cases in the county, and still waiting for the first case in the city, although the first man in our state has died from it, and could have caught it in our city.
We sit and watch the news and wait, like waiting for “the other shoe to fall”, certain that it will, but not knowing when. We try to fill our hours with meaningful things to do, but they don’t get done. It seems when you have all the time in the world to do something, there are no priorities and (procrastinator that I am) I can put anything off.
Okay, taking a deep breath now. All are well here, and I am thankful for that. All our puppies are happy to have us home. The think we are there for them. That’s okay, it keeps them happy.

All projects are still moving along, if not more slowly than I had planned. I finally gathered all my Universe, Earth, world, nature and weather Haiku from the last six years together. That number was close to 500. Peeling some off for another book on the personal side of writing, I still have about 350. Now comes the fun of putting them together in a cohesive way to present them to a totally pre-occupied world.
At least it gives me something to occupy my thoughts with other than gloom and doom. Oh, wait, that’s what I usually write about, isn’t it?

As I sit here and write this, I’m also thinking of thing to put on my list of places to go when this pandemic is over. One of the first places will be my favorite restaurant (assuming they survive and are able to reopen). Then maybe a few day trips. We live in Roswell and have never made it to the debris field for the 1947 UFO crash here, nor have we made it to Carlsbad to see the caverns. Both are now on the list. Heck, I’d be happy to take a ride without wondering if the guy in the next car is wondering if I’m essential like I’d be wondering if he is.
For the moment, I am sitting in my backyard, enjoying the coolness of spring and watching the clouds wander from west to east as is their wont. I may or may not come back to you in May with the announcement that “Global Warning” has been published, but I am working on it.
I am also working on staying well. I hope you are all well and survive this current madness we have been thrown into. And I  hope to see us all back next month with smiles on our faces.
Until then, sit back relax and enjoy a good book.  I have several to offer here on my Amazon Author Page:

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there:
As I post this, it has become apparent that we will be on lockdown at least until the end of April. I should be a stark-raving loony by then, or I will have published “Global Warning”.