Friday, July 1, 2022

Slip-Sliding Away!


July 2022 Blog

Slip-Sliding Away: A Haiku

Half a year is gone –

That time not much better than

The two years just past.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



Must these precious, waning golden years lie but tarnished? To be covered by dust? I would hope not.

So much left to be done and so little time left to do it. Like Sisyphus, it seems, we roll that burden up that steep hill – only to have to duck it as it rolls backwards to crush us.

It also seems like only the right to kill with a gun will survive our current version of the Supreme Court.

A most certainly biased majority panel of supposed unbiased Supreme Court Justices is plunging us back into the dark ages, where women and people  with different perspectives on life were persecuted and punished even unto death for merely being women or having different perspectives on life.

I grew up in the 50’s with high hopes and eagerness. The path ahead (after World War II – the war to end all wars) was strewn with progress and the promise of a better, longer life for all – and peace upon this planet. That shining vision lasted into the 60’s and the “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius”, flower children and nothing but love, baby.

Somewhere along the way, a darkness crept into more and more souls, until it has become so pervasive as to cover the Earth with a pall of disease, inequity, unnecessary warfare and environmental abuses so grave they threaten the very existence of human life on this planet.

Forget that the birds are angry (as well they shold be at us for destroying their habitats), we have become an angry, vengeful species with few qualms about unleashing our anger to the point that it may consume us.

Forget what Nature may do to man, man is quite capable of destroying himself.

Forget about the separation of church and state, we have succumbed to an oligarchy of men who believe their “church” should rule – and the people should remain undereducated and unenlightened and thus under their thumb for as long as mankind shall live.

I am long past the age of taking up arms (which I wouldn’t do anyway) and battling these seemingly overwhelming odds at adds with clear-thinking, moderate, intelligent people may be best left to the young. I hope to pass the torch to a new generation of free-thinking, accepting, inclusive and mindful individuals who will once again give us high hopes and an eagerness with which to look forward to a full life and a future once again.

In the meantime, I’ll finish that Sam Rock sequel as soon as I find my notes and manuscript changes. They seem to have gotten misplaced in the shuffle of moving things from palce to place. Everything else is going according to plan so far. We’ll see.

Hopefully, my new books will be published soon and bring some respite from the facts of life these days.

Be sure to watch for upcoming announcements about the upcoming book launches. I’ll post the news between writing sessions.

In the meantime, if you need some relief from the news out there, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. There may be something there you have yet to read.

Until next time, read and write to your heart’s content. Enjoy what respite you can find in your lives.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements:

It’s now July and Summer is heating up. The A/C is working hard. We have had a little rain to bring us some relief from the drought – of course, flooding came with it.