Friday, January 17, 2014

That Which I Would Do, I Do Not…

It’s an apt theme for this errant (late by two days) blog post. And as I stated on FaceBook yesterday, it’s pretty much the story of my life, along with the maxim, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

My road will surely provide me with a smooth slide down the slippery slope (greased by my overuse of clichéd terms, no doubt.

I am the world’s best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) procrastinator. I have been so successful in putting off so many things for so long, that I have spent my entire life dreaming and planning and not accomplishing much of any of it.

I am so good, I have even procrastinated my own death, surviving with a scary heart condition for over a year now. Guess I am officially past my “use by” date.

The sad thing is, even if I were to overcome this lifelong problem, I probably do not now have the time left to see my efforts to their fulfillment.

I shall not, for instance, live long enough to see any of my novels published by a major house, nor have one appear on the New York Times Best Seller List. I currently self-publish through various channels because of my virtual deadline. (That’s a good theme for another blog post.)

Even though I write visually and can picture movies made from my books, I will never see one on the big screen. Even if a script of mine were picked up now, I doubt I would live long enough to see it to completion.

Why has it come to this? Probably for several reasons, including the fear of failure, perhaps even the fear of success. More likely, I’ve always thought I would have tomorrow, even though it has been proven to me time and again, that tomorrow is not guaranteed. It seems I have forever been granted a new dawn, another chance.

Now I realize, those new dawns and other chances are dwindling down to a precious few. I doubt I even have enough time left to finish my works-in-progress, let alone gain any modicome of success from my efforts.

So, to the purpose of this rambling post: Please profit from my mistakes. “You who have dreams, if you act, they will come true.” The operative word here is “ACT”. “JUST DO IT!”


Yes, I’m shouting! Pin that on your mirror and polish it every day. Don’t fade into the sunset unfulfilled. It’s later than you think. The tried and true clichés and platitudes I’ve included still hold sway.


  1. I've done a lot of procrastinating, too. You've given me the kick-in-the-but I need for today. Off to "do things." I'm also though, a believer that it's never to late to start something new. Got a project for today...

    Good post.


  2. Thank you, Madeline. BTW, you are my inspiration to blog more faithfully.

  3. RosieH: 6/18/2014. Do you remember me from So. Bay Writers Workshop? Give me a yell at
    Would love to chat.
