Friday, September 1, 2023

I Must! I Must!


September  2023 Blog

Three-Ring: A Haiku

Life is a circus,

And I am its saddest clown,

Alone in a crowd.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



My friend, Laura, told me so! “You must keep writing”, she said. And she’s right. Truer words were never spoken – or typed.

I am a writer, and that’s what writers do – they keep writing – whenever the muse strikes, with whatever the muse has in mind – like the above Haiku.

I’m not really in a sad mood. I could be, I suppose, but the morning was beautiful. The words just came to me almost verbatim. I simply had to write them down.

I have truly been neglecting my muse and my craft lately. Okay, I have plenty of excuses: I’m not getting any younger; my husband has been ill; my son decided, “Life is shitty”; the world is burning up, drying up and on fire. All of that would make the happiest clown sad.

But I think what makes me the saddest, is that I am not wiritng. And I find my joy and release in writing. So – I must! I must! – saqtart writing again, pay attention to my craft, and resume publishing and promoting my novels, my ebooks and my audio books.

I have no reason not to. I have only excuses and they no longer serve my purpose.

And so this sad clown will put on a happy face, take a deep breath and slip into tbe magical cannon and see if I can reach the stars – or at least the top of the “BigTop”.

Absolutely going to keep track of my progress this month and maybe post it on my FB author page.

Feeling better about this than I have in a long time. And it’s long past due. Time to catch up and forge ahead.

So we will see. As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for any publication announcements. 

Also, Eldreth, the Castleweaver, asked me again to post the links to his books. He claims no one understands him. I claim I do. He just rolls his eyes and keeps weaving his tragedies. By the way, my son, Vernon Ray Wilmer, Jr. did all the artwork in both Castleweaver Chapbooks. I will be donating a dollar for each of these books sold from now on to a suicide prevention program.


It’s now September and the year is two-thirds over. My sunflowers never got big enough to bloom.







  1. First off, although very sad, be very proud of your son, he was very talented! I wasn't aware that he did the artwork!
    September could be your month! You cannot change what Barry is going through but stand with him and support him. But you can change yourself, take an hour or so for yourself and write! We all need to destress, do what makes you happy!!

    1. Amen to all of that! Yes, Vernon was very talented from a young age. I treasure the artwork he did for me. Definitely know I must write, if just for my own sanity. Thank you!
