Friday, May 1, 2020

Good Plan – Didn’t Work

May 2020 Blog

No head start this month. What a cruel month it’s been. I’m just happy there’s a future to postpone things to.

Best Laid: A Haiku
I have a plan, so
What could possibly go wrong?
Life beyond control?
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky

Nothing has gone as planned. I’m still working on the “Global Warning” book. The “Climate Crisis” does not seem to be that important at the moment. Everyone has something else on their minds these days. Things like making it to the next day – physically, financially or mentally.
I have lived a long and interesting life. Nothing in it however has prepared me for this – the “Pandemic of the Century.” Not sure how things will work out. I only have the feeling, that for the greatest nation on Earth, we are the least prepared to deal with this, and we still do not have a handle on it.
So we sit and wait while the powers that be scramble to get a handle on this with little or no executive level direction. If we don’t literally succumb to this pandemic, it will be by grace alone.
I’d settle for one vaccine that will work to keep us alive and well. Somehow the prospect of 102 of them out there still being studied does not fill me with confidence. Just sounds like we’re throwing due caution to the wind and depending on a Hail Mary to save us.
Nearly everything in Roswell, NM is closed except grocery stores, Walmart and take-out (no dine-in). Oh, the pharmacies are open. That’s essential. No one is going anywhere. I seldom leave the house. I’m one of those older people at the highest risk.
My husband dons his mask and gloves and does the grocery shopping and picks up prescriptions and whatever else we need. In doing so, he risks his own health. So far we’ve been lucky. There’s little or no virus activity in Roswell itself, but you never know. They report by county in New Mexico, without mentioning actual cities involved.
As time goes by, my husband goes out less and less. I went out with him  once this last week. I donned my mask and gloves and got in the car. We drove to Walmart. There was very little traffic on the roads, There were actually very few people in Walmart. Everywhere on the floor were stickers six feet apart, warning everyone to stay six feet apart. A lot of the shelves were nearly empty. You need to take what you can get these days, and I guess that will get worse before it gets better.
It’s just such an eerie feeling. On the drive back I noticed all the closed and empty stores. Roswell is a tourist attraction. No tourists now.  Not even locals wandering about. I won’t be going out again anytime soon.
Everything is on hold, including the publication of my book. If there’s any consolation to any of this, it’s that the Earth herself is breathing a sigh of relief. The air is clearing. The land is healing. But at what cost? Lives are being lost. People are facing financial ruin.
It seems there can be no happy medium. Either we are ravaged or the Earth is ravaged.
I have no idea what the next month will bring. We will all just have to wait and see. Hopefully, we’ll get a handle on this and return to some form of normalcy. But know that life as we know it has once again changed forever as it did after 9/11.
I will do what I can to keep writing and publishing. I’ll keep you posted on my progress and my plans, but I won’t bemoan what hasn’t gotten done. We are for most part doing the best we can.
Hope we all come through this well and intact. For those going through tough times and heartache, you have my prayers and condolences. We will keep on keeping on and do what we can to get to the other side of this.
Until then, sit back relax and enjoy a good book.  I have several to offer:

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there:
As I post this, it has become apparent that we will still be on lockdown well into May, possibly longer. I will surely be stark-raving mad by then, and “Global Warning” may still not be published.