Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today is the first day of the rest of my writing life. It is also the first day of what's left of my life. If I have any advise at all to give my fellow writers, it is this - DO IT NOW! BEFORE IT IS NEVER! Your dues are paid, my friend, they were paid the day you were born.

Don't listen to those who say you don't have the life experience - you do! Don't listen to anyone who tells you to wait until (fill in the blank here: The kid's are grown, you're out of school, you have more education, you're more qualified, you... ).

Waiting is highly overrated. I waited for all these things. I listened to all the reasons why I shouldn't pursue a writing career. Now comes the realization that whatever I write, it will not become a classic in my lifetime, I will never see a movie on the big screen made from my manuscript and I will not go to my grave feeling I have done the most with the talent with which I was born.

Better late than never is all I have to offer. My advise to you, my friend - Don't follow my life's example.

Back to the Garret of AnnNoE to work on my NaNoWriMo ms for November.