Saturday, June 1, 2019

Unhappy Medium

June 2019 Blog

We (as in me, myself and I) are marching to Dysphoria.

Central Casting: A Haiku
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky
As a dysphoric
Living in a dystopic
World, I am well cast.

Yet, I am also type-cast. Life runs in cycles. I wrote the following sometime earlier this year. Not sure when. I don’t always date things. I guess I should.
Banner: Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
Welcome to Dysphonia-wherein my deepest, darkest thoughts lie. Please do not read if you are looking for hope.  There is none here. No cute puppy pictures here or uplifting slogans. Only dark matter fueled by the emptiness of space and the darkness of spirit not born of evil, but of gloom.

Seems I’ve cycled back to that time. Nothing bad has happened. Nothing good, either, except that I am older and closer to finality.

It would appear my “Seasons of Sam Rock” audio book will not be done anytime soon, but I am pursuing other avenues to get some of my other novels produced for audio. So the avenue is not totally closed to me.

My writing on “Chronicles of Acqueria: The Early Years” has ground to a halt, as has the gathering of Haiku for my “Life’s Lemons and Lemonade: Global Warning”.

I need to get working on both of them again as I am happiest when I am creating, however happy that may be.

I’ve pretty much given up on any change of political climate any time soon (hence, the “Marching to Dysphoria”). I would like to think we deserve better than we have gotten lately, but have to admit that we have done this to ourselves (even if we had a little help from our enemies).

I don’t see anything better happening in my lifetime, and that in itself is depressing. It would appear we are heading for that Dystopia that so many sci-fi authors have warned us of in countless sci-fi novels over seemingly countless years.

In general, we are an unhappy lot living in a disparaging and discouraging time. We seem to have abandoned the concept that we are our brother’s keeper and embraced the concept of might (and money) makes right.

Perhaps if we read more, and what we read was more uplifting, we would have a better outlook or at least some hope for a better world to leave for our children.

As it stands, perhaps we should apologize to them for bungling their futures. At least the futures of those who cannot blast off from this earth and live  on a newly terra-formed planet until such time as we figure out how to screw that one up, too.

Well, writing this has certainly not improved my mood, nor am I now tempted to write something uplifting. Time for some more horror. I can really get into that when I’m in this mood. Time to go dive into a good axe murder like in “Black Oak: Town of Joy” (one of my favorites).

Killing something always seems to bring out the best in me. Being a horror writer has its advantages.
Hopefully, my mood will swing around this month, and my thoughts and words will be of accomplishments and triumphs. One can always hope. As Spock said, “There are always possibilities”. Thank you, Gene Roddenberry. Your genius lives on.

This month I’m feature "Black Oak: Town of Joy" with that woman on woman axe murder in it.

My featured poetry for June is my Haiku chapbook for the writing community, “Life’s Lemons and Lemonade: A Collection of Haiku, Volume Two: The Write Life”,

Until next time, keep the faith. Keep writing and keep reading. Enjoy what other universes may make you happy. Perhaps someday, even this one will match up to our ideals, but I’m still not holding my breath.

Until that time, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there:

As all of my books are available on Amazon, I’m also including a link to my Amazon’s Author’s page. Feel free to visit me there also: