Saturday, July 1, 2017

We're Havin' a Heatwave!

July 2017 Blog

We're Havin' a Heatwave!

No shiny things this month, only dull, tarnished and rapidly deteriorating and draining things to distract me.

Disregard! A Haiku
The populace lights
Another scathing fire; the
World sweats its ice off.

This is the first day of the seventh month of the year. 2017 is already half over, and I am no where near completing my goals. I have been melting all mont.

The title could have easily have been the only line of my blog this month. It is so hot that I have an external fan blowing on my computer to keep it from overheating (which it has done on occasion).

It is so hot that I can't think straight. I'm even walking around the house with a towel on my shoulder so I can wipe away the sweat. We've broken several records – all over 100 degrees so far. May shatter last year's record. We'll see.

Not much has been written this month besides my daily Haiku. Too bad I'm not writing about drifting asea on that ice floe – maybe  that I could concentrate on.

I'd like to have a few words with "Climate Change Deniers" about now:

Are your brains melting? What about this planet Earth are you not understanding? In your heyday (when you lived in caves) the Earth was sparsely populated and the worst man could do was strike a fire and cook his dinner. (Which probably amazed his neighbor – whose basic response was to bop him over the head and enjoy the rest of the meat.

Now I understand the lifetime carbon footprint of one human on Earth is something like 900 tons.  (Thank you, Bill Maher –  –  who suggested we might want to reproduce less.) In addition, crime and war are rampant upon the entire planet. There is no innocent little hidey-hole anymore.

We are a hot, unhappy and for the most part hungry world, with no respite in sight.

Why am I even writing inane novels anyway? Why? Because I'm a writer and maybe my writing will bring someone a little joy. Maybe take them out of the real world for awhile and entertain them with some murder and mayhem that at least isn't real.

I've been pondering why I write mostly horror. That may be a big reason. Maybe if I capture it in a story, it will cease to exist in the real world. (Sorry, indulging in a little fantasy there).

Then, there's the idea that life itself is filled with horror, and it's been a long time since I've had a Pollyanna attitude about anything. I have difficulty writing the happy endings that so few of us know in real life.

We start dying from the moment we are born and the path from the cradle to the grave can be a devastating one. It is, I would garner, for over half the population of this Earth, and the rest of us are doing little to make it better for the least of us – which most of us seem to be becoming. (And that is a #Truth Bomb!)

I take issue with the people who say "It's all part of God's plan" and "Let go and let God..." People of Earth, if there is a God, he is either weeping for or laughing at the creatures he set upon this Earth as its stewards. We are not executing our stewardship very well. We have made an angry mess of this planet, and we will pay dearly for that and for our hubris – that we can do whatever we want and the Earth will heal itself.

That's not gonna work, my friends. Like the Wicked Witch of the West, we are melting – the diminishing ice cap is a symptom of our imminent demise. That is our curse, unless of course, we blow ourselves up simply because we can and must prove whose is the biggest.

"The biggest what?" you may ask. Well don't – I might tell you, then this will be an x-rated blog.

Okay, I'm two-thirds of the way through this blog now, and I feel so much better – for the moment. Soon I must get back to real life and shop for this month's supply of medications. It's amazing how, within the last six months, (since Trump took office, I might add) the pharmaceutical companies have raised the prices again and again and again and… It's exhausting, just checking online for the best prices you can find, and some so those are astronomical. By the way- Kudos to GoodRx – for providing an amazing service to people who can no longer afford to simply go their local pharmacy and expect their meds to be reasonably priced. I hope they are making money for the service they provide (Good RX that is) because they certainly deserve it.

Thank you, my friends – writers and readers – for allowing me this opportunity to share with you some of the trials of life a writer deals with, besides not writing. Not certain what next month's blog will bring. Hopefully, good news of the pending release of my next two Chapbooks of Haiku – on life and on writing .

Until then, I welcome your reactions and responses to my current rantings. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there: