Friday, November 1, 2019

Write On

November 2019 Blog

Today is the first day of the rest of my writing life, again.
Write Away: A Haiku
NaNoWriMo reigns
Supreme, demands I fulfill
Declared prophesy.
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky

Today is November 1, 2019 – the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month – for this year and their 20th Anniversary, I have been participating for most of those years, if not all. It seems their records only go back to 2011. I have penned at least 50,000 words each of those years.
50,000 words are not enough for a full-length novel, so I always tried to finish in December with NaNoFiMo (National Novel Finishing Month), but I’m not sure they still exist. Haven't seen a NaNoEdMo (National Novel Editing Month) for a while either.
This year will be no different, except I’ll do my 1,667-2,000 words with more determination this year, since I really need to complete all my projects. One never knows when one won’t be able to do it anymore.
Once again, I’ll try to finish by November 28th, which is my birthday – a lovely little present to myself.
It still takes about 2 ½ hours a day to accomplish the writing goal. Haven’t figured out a way yet to write any faster, and it’s about the fastest my little fingers can fly. I still write with pen and paper and my dear husband still types everything into the computer for me. I am so lucky.
Hopefully, I will be able to sit out in my backyard and write (my absolute favorite place to avoid the distractions of the world).  However, the weather is finally turning bitter cold after a long, hot, hot summer, so I may have to retreat inside and take to my bed with classical music playing in the background and only my puppies to sit on my lap and help me. I can’t tolerate hearing words or lyrics to songs, as it breaks my train of thought and prevents my characters from talking to me and telling me where they think they should go. Sometimes we argue about it. Sometimes I say no.  But usually we agree that they know best what they are doing. Probably the only time when I allow that the little voices in my head exist.
This year I’m again working on The Chronicles of Acqueria series and should have a new book ready to publish the first of the year. I’ll also be publishing a new edition of the first book, “Blood Moon Treachery” so all my prequels and sequels will match up. Noticed some definite conflicts with hair color and family trees have cropped up, so I will be solving them.
As always, I look forward to NaNoWriMo and NaNoFiMo more than I do Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I’m just strange that way. After all, I am a writer. (That explains a lot.)
As I head into 2020, I hope my new-found momentum gathers speed. I plan on accomplishing a lot this next year. Who knows how many more years I will be able to. I’m getting the feeling I’m definitely pushing the envelope. I surely don’t want to have to stop with so many of my stories untold, so many of my heroes (literary) unsung.
I will be posting daily results on Twitter and Facebook this year – maybe even post a tantalizing excerpt or two. That will be along with my daily Haiku. I can’t give that up. It’s part of my daily routine.
My computer is bearing up well, so I shouldn’t  have any technical problems this year. And I will endeavor to back everything up. I also always print a hard copy of my files, so if anything catastrophic happens, we can always retype it into the computer. Thankfully, that has not happened too often.
I’m resurrecting my “Rhimo” for the month. Got his picture framed and hung.  If nothing else, he will keep me motivated.

This month, in honor of NaNoWriMo, I’m featuring The Chronicles of Acqueria: Blood Moon Treachery” so my faithful readers can get involved in Sentia’s story before you learn of its origins. It is available from Amazon at

Also in honor of NaNoWriMo, my featured poetry for October is the second of my two Haiku chapbooks, celebrating the #WritingCommunity: “Life’s Lemons and Lemonade: A Collection of Haiku, Volume Two: The Write Life”, now available in print from Amazon at:

Until next time, keep the faith. Keep writing and keep reading. Enjoy what makes you happy. There is far too little happiness in this world these days.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there:

As all of my books are available on Amazon, I’m also including a link to my Amazon Author’s page. Feel free to visit me there also: