Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Brain Freeze!


February 2023 Blog

Cold Thought: A Haiku

There are those days that

Chill the mind as well as the

Body – this is one.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



There is ice over everything today and almost all over the whole of the United States. In Roswell, New Mecico, we have had a rather mild winter. February 1st may be the worst of it.

My brain is frozen, too, and I can use only my inside voice. Which is not as free-wheeling as my outside voice writing in the sun and fresh air.

And, I have a deadline (self-imposed for sure), but I have promised to have “Raven’s Roost – A Sam Rock Novel” to my manuscript checker in early March and to my audio narrator this s\Spring.

So it’s coming (come hell-or-high-water) this Spring – my Sam Rock sequel. Yay! Just a few more chapters to finish off and preliminary editing and then off to the printer.

It has not been as prolific a winter as I had hoped, but I did discover some early poetry that is both free verse and rhymed (way before any thought of Haiku). I am seriously thinking of publishing a collection this summer – after a little editing, of course.

Me and mine have survived the winter well so far. No serious illnesses or injuries. I hope that you and yours have all fared as well. Although I know that a lot of the country had had far more brutal weather than we have had here.

I’m looking forward to Spring. I’m really hoping to revive my green thumb this Spring. I used to grow a lot of flowers, vegetables and even trees in California. But for some reason, not in Roswell. Seems I either over-water or under-water them here. Gotta get that straight this year. I want to have lots of flowers for the few bees and butterflies left in the area. Plus they are beautiful to gaze on as I’m writing.

As February is a short month, this will be another short blog post. I could beg off that I must go and write and finish up, but that’s what I said last month. I guess I could say that all my Haiku writing lately has shortened my attention span. Maybe getting back to some regular poetry will help me was more poetic again. I can hope anyway.

I am again looking forward to an entire month of writing. Again, it’s onward and upward.

Please, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. The list will surely grow this year.

Until next month, read and write to your heart’s content, and remember we deserve to be much happier this year, and I’m still hoping we will be.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements. They will surely be forthcoming this year.

It’s now February, the second month of 2023. Ten more months to look forward to. Let’s make it a great year.







  1. Very positive!! I love that! Finish the book, get a poetry book finished, plant flowers....all very no procrastinating, get to it!! Make 2023 Your year!! Upward and onward ❤️
