Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year!


January 2023 Blog

2023: A Haiku

This I know: as this

Year passes, it will not leave

Me where it found me.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



Whatever the year brings, it will involve change. I feel it in my bones. Of course, I’m not sure of better or worse, richer or poorer, or sickness or health – but it will end differently than where last year left me.

It’s become my New Year’s resolution. I will not have another year like the last two. I’ve started by writing this today and vowing to write every day this year.

I also highly resolve to get organized so that I’m on top of things and can avoid the surprises of an overdue bill I never opened in the first place or a reminder of an appointment I have today that I forgot to write down months ago.

Knowing that life will surely throw me curve balls during the year, I don’t need to add my own brush-back pitches to the mix.

I would wish and hope for world peace and health in 2023, but that may be reaching too far. I might even wish for sanity in politics and in people getting along with one another, but that’s way out there.

What I do wish for each one of us is peace and love in our own lives, including our loved ones. I wish for happiness and success in our endeavors, whatever they may be.

We surely deserve better than we’ve gotten and seen in the last two years. I won’t even list the problems and the disasters (natural and manmade) mostly because I don’t want to add to the longevity of their memory.

I know I can’t expect sunshine and clear skies every day to sit outside and blithely write to my heart’s content. I would just love to not spend my days putting out fires (if only just figuratively).

I’m sure we could all use a breather, and I wish us contentment as well – not complacency, but true contentment in our lives.

I would much rather relegate the daily horrors to my writing. I would much rather my friends be frightened by the pages of my books than the pages of the newspapers.

And, speaking of writing, I think I’ll wrap this up and edit it and post it. So I can get ready to go outside and write tomorrow and the next day and the next – and send Sam Rock on his way to the publishers.

I am so looking forward to this entire month of writing. The New Year has started. Again, it’s onward and upward.

Please, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. The list will surely grow this year.

Until next month, read and write to your heart’s content, and remember we deserve to be much happier this year.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements. They will surely be forthcoming this year.

It’s now January, the first month of 2023. Eleven more months to look forward to. Let’s make it a good twelve months.




1 comment:

  1. Onward and upward!! Love that! I'm not a huge resolution for the new year but I love that you have resolved to get organized, I need that too! And please continue the writing every day, every day!! Looking forward to next book!
