Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Unfond Farewell


December 2020 Blog

Not sorry to see 2020 go. In fact, good riddance, bad rubbish.


Unfond Farewell: A Haiku

One useless, cruel year

Coming to its end. Hope the

New Year brings better.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky


Not given eternity, I have but the rest of my life to get things done. So I’m putting all my eggs in next year’s basket.

I am sitting outside again, smiling at my platitudes. Hey, at least it’s a reason to smile. This has been one unbelievable year. It’s not like any other in my lifetime and I’ve lived a long, long life.

I would take a deep breath and shake this year off as December’s passing brings it to a close, but it’s not safe to take a deep breath. It may not be safe to do so for a long time yet.

I’m betting a lot of us will be happy to see this year go away and take its nightmares with it. We’re for sure hoping 2021 will restore our health, our outlook and our sanity. I’m not certain I could stand another year like 2020 has been.

So, I’m spending December planning for the future. During November’s NaNoWriMo, I wrote most of the sequel to the “Seasons of Sam Rock”, tentatively titled “Ravens’ Roost”. I may finish it in December, or I may just work on a myriad other things that need doing sooner rather than later.

I’m also hoping for the freedom to go places and do things outside the house besides grocery shopping and doctors’ appointments. Maybe even have access to a viable vaccine that may end at least part of the nightmare that is 2020. And it really would be nice to go somewhere without donning a mask and gloves.

With 2020 behind me, I’d like to embark on a new and more productive cycle of writing, editing, publishing and marketing. I may spend part of December planning for that. It’s hard to keep to a schedule if you don’t make one first.

I am thinking of publishing at least three novels, two or three new Haiku chapbooks and lots of audio book releases from my print and ebook back catalog.

First novel, of course, will be the “Seasons of Sam Rock” sequel. Then, probably “The  Early Years” prequel to the “The Chronicles of Acqueria”. Not sure what will follow that,

Then I have another full chapbook of Haiku for a “Global Warning” sequel, and I’ve been collecting Haiku for a chapbook on my personal outlook on life. (Not sure that won’t be mostly depressing.)

I’ve been promised the completion of my “Seasons of Sam Rock” audio book for Christmas. It will join the already available “       The Cottage”. Also looking forward to putting the “Aurora UFO Incident” out there and maybe the “Black Oak” series.

I might even make the “The Castleweaver” poetry series available in audio, I’ve been trying for a couple of years to figure out how to  make an ebook version available. It’s rather difficult considering all the artwork involved. But it should be doable. I’ll have to keep studying that.

So, there’s plenty to do in 2021, assuming we can successfully get  past 2020. I hope my faithful readers and fellow writers can look forward to a good new year as well.

I, for one, will ring in the new year joyfully, after burying 2020 somewhere in a landfill, where it belongs.

If you’re still looking for books for gifts, all mine are available on Amazon for your gifting pleasure.


Until next time, read and write to your heart’s content. It will help pass the lonely hours of isolation and quarantine.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements:



Hopefully, this month we may enjoy some holiday festivities and next month will find us able to enjoy our lives even more. Let’s keep the faith.






  1. Your 2021 sounds really busy. I look forward to reading your accomplishments. I think it'll be a great year. It already sounds promising and it can't be much worse.

    1. We have made it to 2021. Let's see what happens. I hope it is busy - in a good way.
