Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Life Isn’t Fun Anymore!

July 2020 Blog
It’s now just a matter of survival, and apparently, it can always get darker.

Mirthless: A Haiku
Laughter is a sound
Seldom heard in the bleakness
Encompassing us.
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky

Yet again, nothing has gone as planned. I have spent a lot of my sleepless night time contemplating things like – do we deserve happiness? I don’t know the answer, but I sure do know that we don’t deserve such a sh*tload of unhappiness. It’s like Mercury is in constant retrograde. By the way, Mercury is retrograde until July 15th. That surely doesn’t help.
It seems life is now one great big game of Russian Roulette, and you know there is a bullet in the chamber somewhere. If you pull the trigger often enough, eventually you’ll find it.
According to a scene in the movie “Psycho”, “you can’t buy happiness”, but you can “buy off unhappiness”. Lately, we can’t even afford to buy a lottery ticket, where for a few hours or minutes you can dream of the chance for a better life.
It’s gotten to the point where all the “feel good” platitudes in the world can’t help anymore, and it’s getting harder and harder to work on publishing a book which seems to little matter anymore.
But I plod on, and I plan on. “After “Global Warning” is published, I’ll work on publishing a self-reflective Haiku chapbook by the 100th anniversary of Ray Bradbury’s birth in honor of the man who once told me that I was a writer. I’ll never forget that.

Then I want to publish the prequel to “The Chronicles of Acqueria” and the sequel to “Seasons of Sam Rock”.
That should take my mind off everything else that’s going on, but I’m not sure it will. Although, I am pretty much physically isolated from the rest of the world, it constantly creeps in through the media. I don’t particularly care to keep so well informed, but then I don’t feel comfortable being uninformed either.
So, day by day, I continue to slough on, which has been my wont to do until I no longer can.
I will go to bed tonight almost assured that I will wake up again in the morning and continue on. As long that still brings a smile to my face, I’ll be okay.
This blog this month is shorter than usual, not because I have nothing more to say, but more because I really don’t want to dwell on this topic.
I hope this month finds my faithful readers and fellow writers well and safe. I understand there is a lot more reading and writing going on, so that’s a good thing.
So, until next time, read and write to your heart’s content. I offer a wide variety of reading material for your enjoyment:

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there:
As I post this, it appears that COVID_19 is indeed spreading at an accelerated level. Hopefully, science will prevail, and we will soon get a handle on the problem.


  1. I love that line from psycho, I never noticed it before but its profound. Very Alfred Hitchcock, who was creepy, but kind of funny. Happy July Ann, here's hoping part 2 of 2020,will start the upswing of everything.

    1. I've got to check back more often. As you can see, July didn't get any better.
