Monday, April 1, 2019

Near Normal

April 2019 Blog

Functioning? Yes – barely. Near normal? Never, ever.

Normal: A Haiku
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky
Such a relative
Term. Don’t think I’ve ever been
Anywhere near it.

I’ve been sick most of March. Got that one flu that the shot didn’t cover this year. Almost over it. Almost back to…

Yeah, right. I’ve never been normal. But I’m almost back to doing what I was doing when I got sick. Still sleep a lot, though. Seems when you get this old, it takes longer to recover.

Even my audio book release has been postponed another month. Seems my narrator has been down with it, too. Doesn’t do much for the voice.

So, let’s say March didn’t happen. We just went from February to April, lost a month and an hour’s time, and here we are. Taxes are due in two weeks and my manuscripts are still piled up.

Spent a lot of time editing the first half of “The Chronicles of Acqueria: The Early Years.” Now all I have to do is write about 35,000 more words. Should crank that out in about a month, right? We’ll see about that.

Then I’m still rethinking the second Sam Rock novel. With the new ideas, it will be a much stronger, more dramatic story.

The “Global Warning” chapbook is still sitting there – waiting for me to gather, embellish and expand. Should wax magnificent in some summer’s night dream. (Can you tell I’m on medication?)

Have a lot of housework to catch up on, too. Being sick just sends everything to the back burner where it just sits and simmers and sputters out.

When I look at it as a whole, it’s just overwhelming. So I guess I’ll just have to take the wise advice I read somewhere a long time ago in a galaxy... When asked how do you eat an elephant, the reply was –  one bite at a time. Although at my advanced age, I’d probably best take bigger bites if I really want to finish the thing.

Also toying with the idea of doing  proofreading for hire (in my spare time). I’ve got a pretty good command of the English language, so I’d love to lend a hand out there to help others along their path to publication. (More on that later.)

For now,  I’ll content myself with diving back into the literal creation of Acqueria and enjoy my fantasy world for a while. The real world out there is not a friendly place anymore, and I’d love to spend much less time in it.

Hopefully, when I’m finished in Acqueria, the real world will right itself a bit and we will all be  the better for it. But I’m certainly not holding my breath until that happens.

This month’s blog may be shorter than usual, but I’ll make up for it in the pages of my manuscript, and there’s always next month.

I’m looking forward to May already.  So sad, the time goes so fast as it is.

I’ll drop more lines later. Right now I’m off to nap time and more medication. Seems like my normal routine anymore.

Nap time is over, and I’ve dreamt up nothing new to say. So, I’ll end this with my usual farewell invitation and solicitations.

Until next time, keep the faith. Keep writing and keep reading. Enjoy what other universes may make you happy. Perhaps someday, even this one will match up to our ideals, but I’m still not holding my breath.

Until that time, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there:

I’m also including a link to my Amazon’s Author’s page. Feel free to visit me there also:

All of my books are available on Amazon.

April’s featured novel is my Young Adult fiction: The Chronicles of Acqueria: Blood Moon Treachery”.

This month’s featured poetry chapbook is again “The Castleweaver's Tales: A Dozen Glimpses of Medieval Madness: 25th Anniversary Edition”.