Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Resurrection, Day One: Back to Life

I almost died a year ago. September last year to be more precise. But congestive heart failure is not necessarily fatal, and I didn't die.
Nor did I return to life or resume my creative writing.
Oh, I did my NaNoWriMo.org challenge last November, and I've been editing the resulting manuscript off and on. But I've not published anything new or finished any old works-in-progress, nor have I done any marketing. I blogged a little while I was depressed, but even that didn't last long.
Maybe I figured if I didn't do anything, I wouldn't die. So, I just took my meds and existed for the last year. Now, a year later, I have nothing to show for the yearexcept that I'm another year older, my body is another year more worn out and my taxes are due by the 15th of this month.
Then along comes this challenge to resurrect my life and my creative endeavors, or at least to jump on the bandwagon and blog every day this month.
Perhaps the discipline will rub off on other parts of my life, and I'll get back to doing thingsanything would be nice.
To help inspire me, I looked up one of my favorite songs from the 90's. I believe my fondest memory of it is from an early Geico commercial. I can still picture some lithe young thing swinging the gecko around and around in the middle of some meadow.
I hope you enjoy the song, perhaps get some inspiration from it.

I'm going to spend the rest of this month reclaiming my life and letting the world know how it goes.
If I die, I die. At least I will have lived one month out of the last thirteen.
By the way, thanks Michele and Michelle for the challenge.

I plan on learning a lot about blogging this month.


  1. Time to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and do what you were meant to do. Live life to the fullest through the grace of God. Welcome to the challenge.

  2. I wish you the best n your endeavor to move forward. I hope this months turns out to be a great one.

  3. Good for you! Energizing song!
    Do the best you can, but, most of all ENJOY writing.
