Tuesday, November 1, 2022

NaNoWriMo Ho! Again


November 2022 Blog

NaNoWriMo Ho! A Haiku

“Don’t start nuthin’, won’t

Be nuthin’” has new meaning.

I better start now.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



Now would be good. A lot has happened in the last year. Not a lot of it has been literary. But, I have this year’s NaNoWriMo to look forward to. And it’s gonna be swingin’.

When all else fails, I can count on “National Novel Writing Month” to get my fingers and my pens moving.

This year I won’t even think about my up-coming birthday except as the goal for finishing this year’s 50,000 words on the 28th no matter what they may be.

Okay, I will think about my birthday and perhaps wonder how many more NaNoWriMo’s I’m going to be able to do. And I swear, I will do them until I can’t anymore.

Actually, it’s very comforting knowing I can look forward to this every year. I also look forward to being able to encourage younger writers just starting out on their literary ventures. And that’s a lot of writers, since most all of them are younger than I am. (lol)

I’m so not going to wax eloquently on the state of the world this month. I need to shut that out as much as I can. That’s a relief, too. For I would be angry at the world as bitter as it has become, if I let myself dwell on it. I would rather dwell on telling a story wrapped up in a world that does not exist – one that I have total control over.

Okay, smiling now!

I’m actually going to cut this blog short this month so I can jump into NaNoWriMo with both feet. I’ll fill the space with pictures of some of my covers for your enjoyment. I’m proud of every one of them.

Please wish me luck with this month’s endeavor. I’ll let you know next month how everything came out.

If you write, you’re welcome to come join me on a whirlwind of flowing thoughts and words.

If you care to check out some horrific stuff, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. There may be something there to terrorize you.


Until next month, read and write to your heart’s content. For us NaNoWriMo’s that’s 50,000 words and counting.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements. They will be forthcoming:



It’s now November. Only two months left in the year. Where did it go? I have no idea.

My NaNo RhiMo!