Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Indelible Impression!

 June 2022 Blog

Imprint: A Haiku

I would the shadow

Of my life be long and sharp –

Not lost in darkness.

by Ann Wilmer-Lasky



Thanks to the internet and Amazon, I will never perish from the earth – at least my published works will not.

Okay, maybe I’m not famous and unforgettable, but my words are put there on the ether – available for a click or two. Now, that brings a smile to my face. (let me enjoy that for a moment. Smiles are few and far between these days.)

Not much has changed in the world, just doom and gloom do not wear well over the long haul .Time to take a break and smile about something.

Being basically  a horror writer, I smile at some strange things. Notrhing makes me feel better  than murder and mayhem, as long as it is fictional. The reality these days s overwhelming.

Things are going along nicely in the Garret of AnnNoE. The manuscript for the Sam Rock sequel will be done this month and should be edited        and published in July.

Then comes the Acqueria prequel in August and September.

So I will be pretty busy the next four months, but I will not neglect my daily Haiku postings. It does me good to greet the day with a comeback on what’s been going on in the world over night.

I won’t be writing outside much this Summer if the world continues to heat up like it is. I’ll be writing in front of the air-conditioner, enjoying every minute of it. – until the electric bill comes.

Speaking of shockers, how about those gas prices? Don’t see them going down anytime soon, either. And those grocery receipts are getting shorter and way more expensive.

My puppies get baked boneless, skinless chicken breasts bits with their dog food. That’s doubled in price in just the last couple of months.

Also, there are still shortages on the shelves. Seems you have to have a running grocery list these days and grab stuff off the shelves as it appears. And it’s a long time between deliveries and restocking.

Hopefully, my new books will bring some respite from the facts of life these days. It sure takes my mind off things when I write. Unfortunately, life lies in wait, knowing I must surely get back to it.

Speaking of which, I’m about to run off and cook some rice to have with dinner tonight. Got a giant box of Minute Rice from Wal-Mart – ordered it on line and didn’t know it was so large. Guess I’ll be having a lot of things with rice in it for the near future.

Be sure to watch for upcoming announcements about the upcoming book launches. I’ll post the news between writing sessions.

In the meantime, if you need some relief from the news out there, feel free to check out my eclectic selection of books on Amazon. There may be something there you have yet to read.

Until next time, read and write to your heart’s content. Enjoy what respite you can find in your lives.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication announcements:

It’s now June and Summer is coming fast and hard. I’ve already turned on the air-conditioners, and we are already suffering the effects of drought. Stay cool, if you can.