January 2022 Blog
Season’s Supplication: A Haiku
I would not only
Pray for world peace, but health for
All this time of year.
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky
Hopefully, we have rung in a
happier New Year. We are certainly celebrating the world over. Hopefully, that
will not come back to bite us in the end.
We deserve an end to the pain and
suffering and dying of the last two years. And I am so tired of the isolation.
I would love to hug somebody, see the smile on an unmasked face. At the moment,
it seems like only a far flung dreams, and we are mired in an unending
I should have written tons on my
manuscripts in the year just past, but the inspiration has been little and more
than a long time coming. Yet I persist and I will publish what I can this year.
When I do write, I love it because
for the time I’m writing I am wrapped in a world where I have the control. I
determine who is happy and who is miserable. I decide who lives and who dies
and when and how. Even the weather is at my command. Oh, the power! I can feel
it even just writing this. It’s wonderful feeling.
But, then I put the pen down and
I’m back in the real world, wearing a mask and trying not to touch too many
surfaces anywhere.
I haven’t been to a movie theater in
two years. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been to a
restaurant in that time also. My shopping is limited to Walmart, the local
grocery store, and Office Depot. The rest of my shopping is on line. Amazing
how much you can spend with one click of the finger – and what you can find on
We have not had a winter here yet.
I’m sure we will have some bad weather in the next few months. We certainly
could use the moisture. We’re already considered in drought conditions for the
year ahead. Sounds like we are in for another grassless, flowerless summer.
More hot and dry times ahead.
Actually, I’ve not heard much
encouraging news about the upcoming months of the year we just embarked upon.
All my hope is based on the belief that we’ve had enough, and we deserve better
– much better.
I guess that makes me somewhat
optimistic, which is not a trait I have an over-abundance of. “What could
possibly go wrong?” is one of my favorite questions, which serves me well as a
writer. It’s amazing what problems I can dream up. Unfortunately, life has
thrown in its own answers, and they have not been pleasant.
I’m planning on spending more time
with my pen and paper this year. Hope I have enough of life’s memories left
that I can keep my writing interesting. I’m certainly not planning on making
many new memories anytime soon.
I guess I’ll just hunker down and
keep a low profile in the real world. I thank the internet gods for the ability
to connect with people all over the world at anytime of the day or night as
long as the power doesn’t go down – there’s that “What could possibly go
wrong?” again.
Guess I’ll post this and get on
with finding dastardly situations to embroil my heroes and heroines in. Smiling
at that thought. Writing horror is good.
Here’s hoping again for a brighter
and better New Year. Maybe I better light a few candles and say a few prayers.
Happy New Year to one and all!
next time, read and write to your heart’s content. My eclectic collection of
reading matter may take your mind off things. Enjoy.
always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to
hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts,
if you care to share your thoughts with me there or look for my publication
this month we can recover from the holidays and next month will find us looking
forward to a less restrictive spring.