Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tempus Fugit

October 2019 Blog

Boy howdy! Time sure does fly! Okay, three-fourths of the year is gone! Where did it go? The same place the other years of my 75 year-old life have gone. They’re just gone – into oblivion!

Time Passages: A Haiku
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky
Life rarely moves on
A schedule of our choosing,
Else it would not end.

Were  time a commodity, I assume it would be the most wasted one of all. It is an unquantifiable resource whose worth is virtually not realized until it has expired.

Procrastination would appear to be the most grievous sin possible against time. It is something I have been guilty of most of my life. My favorite pastime seems to be putting “it” off until tomorrow – or the next day – or the next.

Instead of counting off the things I have accomplished this year, I can list the things I haven’t. (It’s a much longer list.) Even my audible book projects, through no fault of my own, have languished and may not be completed this year.

I’m even thinking that maybe if I throw more irons into the fire, I might accomplish more. (Not that that trick has ever worked.)

Maybe it’s time to take a deep breath and plunge back into my original pool of projects.

So, I have three months to publish “Global Warning”, “The Chronicles of Acqueria: The Early Years”, and whatever else was on that project list that I started and misplaced before I could check anything off of it.

Besides editing the already written (a long time ago) first twenty-eight chapters Of “The Chronicles of Acqueria: The Early Years”, I still have ten more chapters to write to complete the novel. It is a prequel to “The Chronicles of Acqueria: Blood Moon Treachery” and seeks to chronicle the founding of Acqueria and the young lives of the central patriarchal figures in Sentia’a story.

All of the Haiku for “Life’s Lemons and Lemonade: Global Warning” have been written. I simply need to gather them in some cohesive order and develop filler material to assure a smooth flow. That will be extremely time consuming, considering it will be the most critical and careful of this most important offering.

As each month passes, we are getting closer and closer to the tipping point – beyond which no matter what we do, it will not change the inevitable. I would like to publish while we still have a chance. Perhaps even sway a few more thinking individuals or ignite a spark in a Climate Emergency advocate who can actually make a difference in the future of the world. (Okay, I can dream, can’t I?)

Also, it would be nice to get this pending stuff done before I can no longer do it.  Like this month’s Haiku says – time is not endless, nor is it finite until it ends.

So, I’ll take a deep breath after I post this month’s blog (been doing a lot of deep breathing lately) and plunge into a publishing frenzy.

Perhaps I can even help save the world. Hey, at my age, I’m entitled to some delusions of grandeur.
This month I’m featuring The Chronicles of Acqueria: Blood Moon Treachery” so my faithful readers can get involved in Sentia’s story before you learn of its origins. It is available from Amazon at https://tinyurl.com/y96zzp9u.

My featured poetry for October is the first of my two dark, medieval poetry chapbooks, “The Castleweaver's Tales: A Dozen Glimpses of Medieval Madness: 25th Anniversary Edition” – available from Amazon at: https://tinyurl.com/y9d8czj4  Eldreth insisted.

Until next time, keep the faith. Keep writing and keep reading. Enjoy what makes you happy. There is far too little happiness in this world these days.

As always, I welcome your reactions and responses to any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me there:

As all of my books are available on Amazon, I’m also including a link to my Amazon Author’s page. Feel free to visit me there also: