March 2019 Blog
We writers are a fortunate lot. We can escape reality (if
only for a little while) and create our own world – one we have some say in.
Author’s Choice: A
by Ann Wilmer-Lasky
What world shall I
Within today? Perhaps
Where peace, love
Time to add to the body of my work. The weather is mild (far
too mild for this time of year), and I can sit outside in the fresh air and
The second Castleweaver chapbook has gone live on Amazon,
and getting it ready was quite a chore. Poetry and artwork are always a bear to
format and the page numbers wouldn’t behave, so I eliminated them. (Something Eldreth
the Castleweaver would so do.)
I am not happy with the demise of Create Space (Amazon’s
original paperback publishing arm. It was easy to work with. I find Kindle Direct
Publishing far harder with fewer viable options. I may have to check around for
other options. (I’m not looking forward to doing that, because I hate change.)
In the meantime, I will write. Both the prequel and the
sequel to Acqueria are calling to me, as is Sam Rock, and Eldreth insists I
complete his novel. With the weather turning fair, there’s no reason not to get
them done.
Besides, I need to go dwell in another universe for a while.
It’s wonderful that writers have this option. I’m not finding the current
reality a pleasant place to be. I would much prefer late 1940’s Los Angeles, a booming place after the war
and exciting to be in. Although, I was in Chicago at the time. It was also a
wonderful place to be. Growing up there, we had nothing but good things to look
forward to, including the technology of the future. Now is not so much
wonderment as head-shaking bewilderment.
Women did have limited horizons back then, but even then it
was changing. It continued to improve
until we almost had equality, and now – it just seems we are backsliding
The world of Acqueria seems almost beckoning. Although its
currently a patriarchal society, that is changing, and Sentia will have her
say. Even pre-Acqueria, the Forest North was run by strong women, including a shamaness.
They pretty much had things under control.
I might go back to Eldreth’s world, but women seem to die
around him a lot – except for the Raven Woman – she was special. Could have
been a witch (at least Eldreth thought so). May need to explore that and her
world further.
Come to think of it, I have a spinoff short story about a
young girl (Solan) with special powers who is turned over to the good wizard
Tawold in Eldreth’s tales, so she won’t be subject to Eldreth’s whims. Not sure
where that one will go. I may post it online somewhere. It’s actually suitable
for middle-grade readers.
So, there’s not a dearth of thing to do – just a dearth of
energy to do it all. I only have about one or two more chapters of the Sam Rock
sequel left to write. Unfortunately, it will then require a complete rewrite as
it meanders way too much and didn’t go where I needed it to go.
Not sure how my audio book of “The Seasons of Sam Rock” is
coming along. My narrator got married
and went on a honeymoon. I’m sure he’s
super busy with his new life. We’ll have to see.
Actually, I got a couple of great ideas from said narrator
about where he thought the sequel should go. So, I’ll be working on
incorporating some of that.
March will find me far busier than February. I also need to
work on the “Global Warning” Haiku chapbook. I think about it a lot as I sit
outside in fair weather that isn’t due until April.
Until next time, keep the faith. Keep writing and keep
reading. Enjoy what other universes may make you happy. Perhaps someday, even
this one will match up to our ideals, but I’m not holding my breath.
Until that time, I welcome your reactions and responses to
any of my blogs. I love to hear from my readers. Also, here are links to my
Twitter and Facebook accounts, if you care to share your thoughts with me
I’m also including a link to my Amazon’s Author’s page. Feel
free to visit me there also:
All of my books are available on Amazon.
This month’s featured novel is my 1940’s noir fiction “The
Seasons of Sam Rock”
month’s featured poetry chapbook is “The Castleweaver's Tales: The Madness
Continues: 25th Anniversary Edition”